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R. Alkofer, G. Eichmann, Ch. S. Fischer, M. Hopfer, M. Vujinovic, R. Williams and A. Windisch, On propagators and three-point functions in Landau gauge QCD and QCD-like theories ,
Proceedings of QCD-TNT-III,


A. Windisch, M.Q. Huber and R. Alkofer, How to determine the branch points of correlation functions in Euclidean space,
Proceedings of Excited QCD 2013,


M. Hopfer, A. Windisch and R. Alkofer, The Quark-Gluon Vertex in Landau gauge QCD,
PoS Confinement X (2013) 073,


A. Windisch, M.Q. Huber and R. Alkofer, On the analytic structure of scalar glueball operators,
PoS Confinement X (2013) 060,


A. Windisch, M.Q. Huber and R. Alkofer, On the analytic structure of scalar glueball operators at the Born level,
Physical Review D 87 (2013) 065005,


A. Windisch, M. Hopfer and R. Alkofer, Towards a self-consistent solution of the Landau gauge quark-gluon vertex Dyson-Schwinger equation,
Proceedings LightCone 2012,


A. Windisch, H. Windisch and A. Windisch, Sticky physics of joy: On the dissolution of spherical candies,
Physics Education 48 (2013) 221-226, fun with physics


A. Windisch, R. Alkofer, G. Haase, M. Liebmann, Examining the Analytic Structure of Green's Functions: Massive Parallel Complex Integration using GPUs,
Computer Physics Communications 184 (2013), 109-116


R. Alkofer, M.Q. Huber, V. Mader, A. Windisch, On the infrared behavior of QCD Green functions in the Maximally Abelian gauge,
PoS QCD-TNT-II:003, Trento, Italy (2011)


M. Wenin, A. Windisch, W. Poetz, Optimal control of magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic heterostructures by spin-polarized currents,
Journal of Applied Physics 108, 103717 (2010)


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